Annual bluegrass, otherwise known as Poa annua, can be difficult to control if not properly managed. It tolerates low mowing, grows well on short days under cool conditions and produces most of its seed heads in the spring. We recommend Dimension® specialty herbicide to control Poa preemergence, as well as crabgrass and other annual grassy and broadleaf weeds.
What to look for: Boat-shaped leaf tip, light green leaves, bunch-type growth
Life cycle: Winter annual that germinates in the late summer/early fall once soil temperatures are cooler than 70 F
Leaves: Keeled; feature a distinctive boat-shaped tip; light green, especially compared with the dark green of other turfgrasses
Flowers: Seed head is an open panicle; pyramidal in outline
Roots: Fibrous
Look-alikes: Kentucky bluegrass
Commonly found: Golf courses, lawns and other turfgrass settings; grows well on short days under cool conditions
Annual bluegrass produces most of its seedheads in the spring. Apply a preemergence grass herbicide, such as Dimension® specialty herbicide, prior to germination of seedlings. Also, develop a dense, healthy turf to reduce sunlight at the soil surface. Keep soil phosphorus levels in the low to medium range. Cultural practices can help reduce Poa annua, but herbicides are needed for superior control.
State restrictions on the sale and use of Dimension specialty herbicide products apply. Consult the label before purchase or use for full details.
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Effective weed control starts with identification. Learn to identify 90+ grassy and broadleaf weeds.