Downloadable Resources

We’ve made it easy to learn about or share the information needed to employ a program approach and participate in Enlist™ Ahead Farmer Rewards in 2021.

Enlist™ Ahead Farmer Rewards Resource Guide (NORTH)

Enlist™ Ahead Farmer Rewards resource guide for the northern U.S.

View to get full details on how to earn cash back with a program approach on Enlist™ acres in corn belt states.


Enlist™ Ahead Farmer Rewards Resource Guide (SOUTH)


View to get full details on how to earn cash back with a program approach on Enlist™ acres in cotton belt states.

Learn more about soybean residuals

Corteva Agriscience has a full portfolio of effective soybean residual herbicides, including Kyber herbicide, Sonic® herbicide, DuPont Trivence® herbicide, DuPont™ EverpreX® herbicide and Surveil® herbicide.

Three Reasons To Add Residual Herbicides

A program approach means starting clean with a burndown, using effective preemergence herbicides with residual activity and applying Enlist™ herbicides postemergence. It’s that simple. There are three key benefits.

Soybeans early in the season.

Enhanced In-Season Weed Control

See the difference in your fields when using an effective pre- and postemergence weed management program that includes multiple herbicide sites of action.

Sprayer in field

Flexible Application Windows

Fields will be clean when you’re ready to plant, and weeds will be easier to control for postemergence herbicide applications. It all adds up to longer-lasting control.

hand holding crop foliar

Better Field Management

With weeds under control from preplant to well into the season, you’re able to deliver better productivity and increase yield potential.