
  • Herbicide


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  • 14

Battle weeds

Sonic® herbicide is proven to deliver long-lasting, broad-spectrum control to prevent weeds from invading soybean fields.

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Maximized yield potential

Sonic® herbicide provides preemergence control of tough broadleaf weeds to maximize soybean yield potential.

Multiple modes of action

Containing two modes of action, Sonic effectively manages weed resistance to protect from the toughest yield-robbing weeds.

Extended residual control

Sonic delivers long-lasting residual control when applied in fall, spring or up to three days post-plant before the soybean emerges. It's proven to perform in a variety of soil types.


Sonic is a convenient tank-mix partner that is easy to use and handle. It exhibits outstanding crop safety, giving farmers and custom applicators one less thing to worry about.

Proven Efficacy


Evaluations made four weeks after application

weed residual control with Sonic® herbicide chart

clean soybean field beauty shot

Questions about Sonic® herbicide?

Read answers to some of growers’ most commonly asked questions about Sonic® on our Q&A page. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Submit questions of your own.

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George Richter, Grower — Indiana


Soybean grower George Richter of Edwardsport, Indiana, knows the importance of keeping fields clean from planting through harvest. To control his most troublesome weeds, including marestail, waterhemp and giant ragweed, Richter uses Sonic® herbicide. With the residual control of Sonic, weeds are managed well into the season.

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Mike McFadden, Grower — Ohio


As a fifth-generation farmer in Lees Creek, Ohio, Mike McFadden is familiar with common weeds. To achieve optimized yield, McFadden says it is important that fields are clean when he starts planting, and using Sonic® herbicide ensures that they will be weed-free when he is ready to plant.

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Scott Johnson, Grower — Minnesota

Scott Johnson MN farmer

Grower Scott Johnson of Starbuck, Minnesota, switched to Sonic® herbicide to manage glyphosate resistance and control troublesome broadleaf weeds in his field. Sonic extended the spray window later in the season by keeping weeds small and easier to control.

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Featured Weeds

Palmer amaranth

Palmer amaranth

Life cycle: Annual

Description: An erect summer annual that may reach 6½ feet in height. Seedlings have leaves that are narrow and green to reddish in color. Its first true leaves are alternate, oval-shaped and slightly notched at the tip of the leaf. Mature leaves are alternate, without hairs, and lance-shaped or egg-shaped in outline. Leaves are 2 to 8 inches long and a half inch to 2½ inches wide. Stems are without hairs. Leaf petioles often are as long as — or longer than — the leaf blade. Seed heads measure 1 to 2 feet in length.

Control: Preemergence, 4 to 6 oz./A Sonic® herbicide + 1 pt./A 2,4-D + 24 to 40 oz./A Durango® DMA® herbicide

Marestail (horseweed)

Marestail (horseweed)

Life cycle: Annual

Description: Marestail is an erect winter or summer annual reaching 6½ feet in height. Seedlings develop a basal rosette from which sprouts a 2- to 6-foot tall stalk covered with narrow leaves. The stems usually are hairy and branch near the top. At the top of the stalks are small white flowers that ripen to white, windblown parachute seeds.

Control: Preemergence, 4 to 6 oz./A Sonic® herbicide + 1 pt./A 2,4-D + 24 to 40 oz./A Durango® DMA® herbicide

Giant ragweed

Giant ragweed

Life cycle: Annual

Description: Giant ragweed is a summer annual that can grow up to 16 feet tall. Its leaves are large and distinctively three-lobed but can sometimes be five-lobed. Its rough, hairy leaves are about 6 inches long and 4 to 6 inches wide. Opposite leaves occur in pairs at nodes. It prefers moist soil.

Control: Preemergence, 4 to 6 oz./A Sonic® herbicide + 1 pt./A 2,4-D + 24 to 40 oz./A Durango® DMA® herbicide

Controlled Weeds

This product delivers effective weed control against the following:

  • Amaranth
  • Barnyard Grass
  • Crabgrass
  • Horseweed
  • Lamb's-quarters
  • Mexicanweed
  • Morningglory
  • Mustard
  • Nightshade
  • Panicum
  • Pigweed
  • Pusley
  • Ragweed
  • Smartweed
  • Spurge
  • Thistle
  • Velvetleaf
  • Waterhemp

Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information.

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State Registrations

  • Registered
  • Unregistered

Technical Specifications

  • Active Ingredient

    sulfentrazone; cloransulam-methyl

  • Herbicide Group

    Sonic® herbicide contains sulfentrazone, a Group 14 herbicide (PPO inhibitor); and cloransulam-methyl, a Group 2 herbicide (ALS inhibitor).

  • Application Rate
     FallSpringPlanting + 3 Days
     Apply before tillage or no-tillApply early to manage workload and reduce weather variabilityApply up to 3 days postplanting to give beans a clean start
    RATE4-6 oz.4-6 oz.4-6 oz.

    High rates recommended when herbicide-resistant weeds are present or when longer residual control is desired

  • Application Timing

    Sonic can be applied preemergence up to three days postplant.

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Sonic® Fact Sheet

Elevore, Resicore, Sonic and SureStart II are not registered for sale or use in all states. Resicore and SureStart are not available for sale, distribution or use in Nassau and Suffolk counties in the state of New York. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.