Soybean Herbicides

Midseason soybean field

Take control of your fields

You can count on the soybean herbicide portfolio offering from Corteva Agriscience to deliver powerful, season-long weed control. From burndown to postemergence, our flagship solutions will help you manage fields for greater yield potential come harvest.  

Discover the Benefits of New Soybean Herbicides

We’re coming to Commodity Classic 2025 in Denver, Colorado – and we’re bringing the excitement of Enversa™ herbicide and Kyber Pro® herbicide with us. Hear from Drake Robards, Portfolio Marketing Lead for Soybean Herbicides, about the benefits of the new herbicides and how they work to fit growers’ unique needs. The session takes place on Monday, March 3, from 9:15-9:45 a.m. MST at the Colorado Convention Center in Mile High Ballroom 1AB. For more information, visit the Commodity Classic website.

New Corteva Soybean Herbicides at Commodity Classic

Products to meet your toughest weed challenges.

Every season brings new weed challenges. Our portfolio of soybean herbicides helps you meet those challenges with flexible application options, proven control of the toughest resistant weeds and extended application windows.  

Enversa logo

Enversa™ herbicide provides a proprietary formulation of encapsulated acetochlor that will drive to the soil to provide a residual barrier against weeds that haven’t emerged, while tank-mix partners remain active on actively growing weeds. Enversa can be applied preplant to postemergence and offers handling and tank-mix compatibility, especially as the preferred residual tank-mix partner of choice with Enlist One® herbicide for Enlist E3® soybeans.

A clean start for premier, season-long weed control

Kyber Pro logo

Pending regulatory registration, Kyber® Pro herbicide will be a premium solution in the fight against resistant weeds. This preemergence soybean herbicide boasts three effective modes of action, including a group 15 active ingredient, to create a new level of clean. It will deliver the broad-spectrum control of resistant broadleaf and grass weeds that retailers and farmers have been asking for. Kyber Pro will offer long-lasting residual activity to control tough weeds, widening the postemergence application window.

Lower the boom on weeds

Sonic Boom logo

Sonic® Boom herbicide is a premix preemergence herbicide with a unique combination of two proven active ingredients – metribuzin and sulfentrazone – for powerful residual control of more than 35 of the toughest broadleaf weeds common to soybeans today. With application flexibility from burndown to preemergence, Sonic Boom is a foundational herbicide and robust tank-mix partner, enabling farmers to achieve excellent early season weed control across a wide range of agronomic programs.

Proven and flexible residual weed control

Sonic Boom logo

Sonic® herbicide is proven to deliver long-lasting residual control on a broad spectrum of weeds, using two unique modes of action to attack weeds multiple ways and effectively manage herbicide resistance. Plus, Sonic offers the flexibility to be applied preemergence up to three days postplant.

Easy-to-use pre-mix to fight weed resistance

Surveil Logo

Surveil® herbicide delivers farmers the convenience of two resistance-fighting active ingredients in one easy-to-use premix. Plus, Surveil provides a nine-month plant-back rotation to cotton, dry beans, rice or sorghum. So, there’s the option to plant high-value crops next season, even when soybean crops get planted late.   

Powerful burndown and residual in one pass

Trivence logo

Trivence® herbicide uses three modes of action to provide both burndown and residual activity on a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds. This powerful combination keeps fields clean well after soybean planting and supports uniform crop emergence.

Flexible control of grasses and broadleaf weeds

EverpreX logo

EverpreX® herbicide can be applied at planting or postemergence for an effective layer of season-long control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds, including ALS-, PPO- and glyphosate-resistant weeds. 

Innovation in spring and fall burndown

Elevore logo

Elevore® herbicide uses a systemic formulation for more thorough burndown control of weeds, including marestail up to 8 inches tall, henbit, and other ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds. And with a low use rate of only 1 ounce per acre, Elevore is an excellent fit in reduced- and no-till production systems.  


Program Approach

Build your soybean weed control program

A weed control program approach that includes multiple modes of action and extended residual activity can help ensure maximum soybean yield potential while preventing herbicide resistance. Find the right burndown, pre- and postemergence solutions for your acres in this program approach guide. 

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Take Down Weeds Threatening Your Yield

Waterhemp - top view

Field Facts: Waterhemp

We’re breaking down one of the worst weeds in Midwest fields. See what makes it so difficult to deal with.

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Palmer Amaranth top view

Field Facts: Palmer Amaranth

Until about a decade ago, Palmer amaranth was relatively unheard of in the Midwest. Since then, this pigweed has made a name for itself as one of the most competitive weeds in corn, soybean and cotton fields across the country.

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Giant Ragweed

Field Facts: Giant Ragweed

Giant ragweed is resistant to glyphosate and Group 2 active ingredients. Find out which products can be used to control this weed. 

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Field Facts: Kochia

This competitive weed is proven to reduce row-crop yield by as much as 70%. Get control tips.

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Giant foxtail

Field Facts: Giant Foxtail

Giant foxtail often emerges before planting and accounts for more yield loss than yellow or green foxtail at similar densities. 

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Morning Glory

Field Facts: Morningglory

A combination of cultural practices and the use of effective herbicides is your key to morningglory control.  

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With the TruChoice® Offer, you can save at the time of purchase on 100+ leading crop protection products like this one. Fund a prepay account with Corteva Agriscience to start saving.

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The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3 soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience LLC and MS Technologies, LLC. Elevore®, Enlist One®, Enlist Duo®, Enversa™, EverpreX®, Kyber® Pro, Sonic®, Sonic® Boom, Surveil®, and Trivence® are not registered for sale or use in all states. Enversa is not registered for sale, distribution or use in Nassau and Suffolk counties in the state of New York. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use in Enlist crops. Always read and follow label directions.