3 Reasons to Stabilize Sidedress Applications

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Making plans now to sidedress nitrogen next season can bring many benefits, especially without knowing what Mother Nature will throw at us, says Andrew Luzum, nitrogen stabilizer strategic account manager, Corteva Agriscience.

“Sidedress applications can provide great ROI when wet weather leads to heavy nitrogen loss, much like what we saw in the 2024 growing season,” he says. “Even in drier years, a reduced nitrogen rate in the fall and coming back at sidedress is a good agronomic practice to consistently feed a growing corn crop.”

He recommends sidedressing between the V4 and V8 growth stages for optimal crop utilization.

“Today’s corn hybrids still require roughly 80% of their nitrogen to be in the plant by tassel, so this application timing makes a lot of sense,” he says.

With sidedress nitrogen applications made later in the season, you also have time to adjust rates based on results from nitrate tests and any spring precipitation — which offers environmental and economic benefits.

These applications provide even better results when accompanied with Instinct NXTGEN® or N-Serve® nitrogen stabilizer, Luzum says. Here are three reasons to protect sidedress applications with a proven nitrogen stabilizer next year:

  1. Better soil retention. “Some may think that there’s no need to stabilize sidedress applications because they’re so close to plant uptake. However, when soil temps are 70 F, it only takes nine days to fully convert to the nitrate form,” Luzum explains. “Stabilizing below-ground nitrogen for even a short four weeks ensures nitrogen availability through warm soils and weather for a better ROI.”

    Learn more about spring nitrogen loss in this Farm4Profit podcast segment.
  2. Protection from below-ground nitrogen loss. It’s important to remember that 70% of nitrogen loss occurs below ground. So, while purchasing a urease inhibitor comes with a cheaper price tag per acre, this practice doesn’t protect against the majority of potential nitrogen loss.

    “Protection against below-ground nitrogen loss will be money better spent than protection against volatilization, especially in a season of regular rainfall or if you’re mechanically incorporating the nitrogen,” Luzum says.

    Learn more about how Instinct NXTGEN and N-Serve work to protect below-ground nitrogen loss.
  3. Improved yield potential. Corteva Agriscience nitrogen stabilizer sales team members work closely with universities, retailers and farmers to regularly test performance of nitrogen stabilizers and to ensure products provide proven, reliable returns for customers each year.

    “Corteva field trials over the last decade show a 4 bushel per acre advantage on fields sidedressed at 12 ounces of Instinct NXTGEN when compared to untreated fields,” Luzum says. “At 4 bushels per acre, even at $3.50 corn, that’s still doubling your money.”

Visit NitrogenStabilizers.com for more data proving the value of Instinct NXTGEN and N-Serve with any nitrogen fertilizer applications.  

Instinct NXTGEN® is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Do not fall-apply anhydrous ammonia south of Highway 16 in the state of Illinois. Always read and follow label directions.