Goosegrass: Spot It & Stop It

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Goosegrass. The summer annual weed grows in clumps, thriving in thin open turf and turf that’s subject to intense traffic or use. Properly identifying and understanding it is key to controlling the troublesome grassy weed.

How to spot goosegrass

  • Grows in a clump with the base of the leaves being silver to white
  • Leaves are folded and may be smooth with few hairs
  • Features a strong, extensive root system
  • Readily invades hard, compacted soils

Goosegrass is also a prolific seed producer. In most cases, one plant has three to seven fingerlike racemes on a stem. A mature plant can grow 20 stems and have as many as 50,000 seeds. Once goosegrass becomes established, annual reinfestations are likely to occur.

How to control goosegrass

Once goosegrass is correctly identified, effective control can be achieved.

  • Preemergence herbicides
    The active ingredient in Dimension® specialty herbicide is dithiopyr, which helps provide season-long preemergence control in multiple formulations. Plus, it’s effective on 45 other grassy and broadleaf weeds.
  • Soil temperatures
    Applying Dimension specialty herbicide at 0.5 lb. a.i./A just prior to soil temperatures reaching a consistent 55 F is recommended.
  • Follow the label
    Consult the product label for recommended application rates for your area as well as seeding and reseeding rates.

Spotting problem weeds and properly identifying them is the first step to healthy turf. For more information and treatment options, check out these online resources.


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