The white clover conundrum ends:

Control broadleaf weeds without sacrificing white clover.

NovaGraz™ herbicide is a groundbreaking weed control solution that enables cattle producers to preserve white clover and annual lespedeza while providing enhanced broadleaf weed control. There’s just one product on the market that can make this claim.

Why is this important? When it comes to your operation, grass is your lowest cost feed source. For every pound of weeds your element you get back a up to a pound and a half of grass. That’s why it’s important to care for your pastures. Clover can add a lot to your operation.

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By the Numbers

White clover in a cool-season grass pasture can be such an economic benefit that producers hate to risk losing. But when broadleaf weeds invade, forage yields suffer and the overall quality of the
pasture can decline.

NovaGraz preserves white clover and annual lespedeza for an abundant, diverse, high-quality forage that improves soil fertility and livestock production.  It also controls a broad spectrum of weeds in permanent grass pastures, rangeland, hayfields and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres.

What does white clover add to cattle operations? Check out this interactive NovaGraz Product Guide.

Interactive Product Guide


Let's look at the clover benefits by the numbers.

Animal Performance Benefits

White clover can serve a role in improving animal health. It does that by offsetting various livestock disorders associated with grazing some forages.

Clovers in the diet also reduce the likelihood of grass tetany in cattle. Grass tetany is a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Clover contain higher levels of magnesium than do grasses.

Soil Fertility Benefits

Controlling broadleaf weeds and preserving white clover ensure the nitrogen captured is used by the desirable forage and not weeds. Increase nitrogen in soil up to 150lbs per acre.

Want to know more about NovaGraz™ herbicide?

Click Here

White clover and annua lespedeza exhibit some initial injury (such as lodging and loss of vigor) but recover. NovaGraz is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.