Better Grazing, One Plant at a Time

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When clearing encroaching trees, treat the stumps to prevent resprouting.

Low-volume basal and basal cut-stump treatments with Remedy®, Remedy® Ultra herbicide or PastureGard® HL herbicide are excellent and convenient ways to clear scattered volunteer trees and brush year-round. Both methods provide excellent control of cottonwood, elm, hedge (Osage orange, bois d’arc), locust, oak, persimmon, Russian olive, willow and many other species.

These treatment methods use a high concentration of herbicide, so each sprayer load goes further. Prepare a mix that is 25% Remedy, Remedy Ultra or PastureGard HL plus 75% commercial basal oil.

Low-volume Basal/Basal Cut-stump Tank-mix Guide

Remedy® Herbicide, Remedy® Ultra Herbicide or PastureGard® HL Herbicide + Oil-based Carrier

Sprayer Size

25% Remedy, Remedy Ultra or PastureGard HL

75% Oil-based Carrier

1 gallon

1 quart

3 quarts

3 gallons

3 quarts

9 quarts (or 2 gallons + 1 quart)

20 gallons

5 gallons

15 gallons

50 gallons

12.5 gallons

37.5 gallons

For low-volume basal applications, apply enough spray to wet the lower 12 to 15 inches on all sides of the trunk — including the root collar area — but not to the point of runoff. This method can be used any time of year, except when snow or water prevents spraying to the groundline. This method is best used to control woody species with trunks less than 6 inches in diameter at the base of the tree. Make the application at a low pressure and with a solid-cone or flat-fan nozzle. Think of it as spray-painting the treatment zone.

If the tree is larger than 6 inches in basal diameter or has mature bark in the 12- to 15-inch treatment zone, the basal cut-stump method is a better control option. Applying the solution of 25% herbicide plus 75% oil to cut stumps prevents resprouting and kills the stump for good. Simply cut the tree and spray the sides of the stump, the outer portion of the cut surface — which is the cambium ring along the inner bark — and any exposed roots at the soil surface. As with the low-volume basal method, you can make this treatment any time of year, as long as snow or water doesn’t prevent proper application.

For more information on application methods, click here.

Restrictions on the sale and use of Remedy® and Remedy® Ultra apply. PastureGard® HL is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Consult the label for full details. Always read and follow label directions.


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