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Please provide your contact information, and we’ll help you get paid for your soil health.
See in seconds what you could earn through Corteva's Carbon Initiative
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for an earnings estimate
Carbon Credits
acre / year
1 carbon credit equals 1 tonne of CO2E1
Earnings Potential
acre / year
Estimated based on $20/credit
We project up to
$30/credit based on demand
Estimate based on 10-year average of annual
carbon sequestration rates
Please provide your contact information, and we’ll help you get paid for your soil health.
1Farmers are paid on the amount of carbon credits they produce. One carbon credit equals one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2E) sequestered or abated per year. Farmers participating in Corteva’s Carbon Initiative are guaranteed to receive a minimum of $20/credit (we project $30+/credit based on buyer demand). Estimated CO2E sequestered is based on state and county level estimates from a model developed by Colorado State University and USDA/NRCS. The model simulates carbon sequestration rates due to practice changes based on the predominant crops grown in each county, controlling for average weather and soil type.
2The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary conservation program offered by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to address natural resource concerns and deliver environmental benefits such as improved water and air quality and increased soil health.
3This range estimate is provided by FarmRaise, a company that helps farmers easily determine eligibility and apply for hundreds of federal, state, and local farm grants and loans.