The Power of Three

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Use the power of three to talk about PowerCore® Enlist® corn

In today’s busy world, people like to get information in quick, digestible bites. A 30-second commercial, a news soundbite, an Instagram video. So, how do you tell farmers about PowerCore® Enlist® corn in brief, informative bites to help them understand and remember key features and benefits?

Studies have shown that people tend to remember things better when they’re presented in threes — think “stop, drop and roll.” Also, people are generally more persuaded when a product has up to three benefits, but grow skeptical starting with the fourth benefit. In essence, they think it may be too good to be true. You can use this same “power of three” technique when talking about PowerCore Enlist corn.

Think about the most important thing you want farmers to know about PowerCore Enlist corn. Then write a short, punchy statement that gets across your main point. It should take about three seconds to say.

  • Example: PowerCore Enlist corn gives you the latest in traits and genetics.

Think about three points that support your main message above. It should provide proof points as to why someone should believe your main message. Your first statement and these three support points form what communicators call the elevator speech. If you only had the time it takes to ride an elevator to sell PowerCore Enlist corn, what would you say?

  • Example:
    • Four herbicide tolerances
    • Three modes of action against above-ground pests
    • New genetics, thoroughly tested in our field trials

Practice the full elevator speech and make adjustments so it sounds like you and not a robot or someone in marketing!

  • Example: PowerCore Enlist corn gives you the latest in traits and genetics. It features:
    • Four herbicide tolerances
    • Three modes of action against above-ground pests
    • New genetics, thoroughly tested in our field trials

By keeping your messages simple and focused on the key features/benefits, talking to customers about new products — like PowerCore Enlist corn — is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies.
Enlist® herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for use or sale in all states and counties; are not registered in AK, CA, CT, HI, ID, MA, ME, MT, NH, NV, OR, RI, UT, VT, WA and WY; and have additional subcounty restrictions in AL, GA, TN and TX, while existing county restrictions still remain in FL. All users must check “Bulletins Live! Two” no earlier than six months before using Enlist One or Enlist Duo.
To obtain “Bulletins,” consult, call 1-844-447-3813, or email You must use the “Bulletin” valid for the month and state and county in which Enlist One or Enlist Duo are being applied. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency if you have questions about the registration status of Enlist® herbicides in your area. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAW TO USE ANY PESTICIDE PRODUCT OTHER THAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS LABELING. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. USE OF PESTICIDE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, 2,4-D-CONTAINING PRODUCTS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE WITH ENLIST CROPS, MAY RESULT IN OFF-TARGET DAMAGE TO SENSITIVE CROPS/AREAS AND/OR SUSCEPTIBLE PLANTS, IN ADDITION TO CIVIL AND/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. Additional product-specific stewardship requirements for Enlist crops, including the Enlist Product Use Guide, can be found at POWERCORE® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. POWERCORE® multi-event technology developed by Corteva Agriscience and Bayer Group.
> Always follow IRM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Bt products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of BASF. Roundup® and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. Always read and follow label directions. © 2025 Corteva. 025740 LC (01/25)