Top Crop Protection Products to Use in 2025

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Protect next year’s seed investment. Here are some of our top crop protection products to help your corn and soybean fields thrive in 2025.

Solutions for Disease Management

From tar spot in corn to white mold in soybeans, we have fungicides proven to prevent crop disease from limiting row-crop yield.

Aproach® Prima fungicide — Aproach Prima can be used on both corn and soybeans to help prevent or cure several diseases that growers across the Midwest have encountered this year. With differentiated modes of action, Aproach Prima helps stop the spread of infection, prevent new infection for up to 21 days after treatment and slow disease development.

Viatude fungicide — Northern U.S. soybean growers can add this solution to their arsenal in the constant fight against the yield-limiting disease white mold. With proven performance from two of the strongest white mold actives, Viatude offers preventive and curative action to help reduce disease infection, enabling farmers to maximize yield potential. Viatude also is labeled for white mold in canola.

  • Tank-mixing tip: A program approach with two fungicide passes, along with other Integrated Pest Management practices, can help prevent disease resistance from developing.

Solutions for Weed Control

We offer comprehensive portfolios of corn and soybean herbicides so you can create the right herbicide programs for your operation. A weed control program approach that includes multiple modes of action and extended residual activity can help tackle the toughest weeds while preventing herbicide resistance.

New soybean herbicide!

Corteva Agriscience recently added Enversa herbicide to the soybean portfolio for use in the 2025 growing season. Enversa is a residual herbicide with a proprietary formulation of encapsulated acetochlor to handle some of the toughest hard-to-control broadleaf and grass weeds that farmers face today. This is the first soybean and cotton herbicide solution in the Corteva portfolio to feature encapsulated acetochlor.

  • Tank-mixing tip: Enversa is the preferred residual tank-mix partner of choice with Enlist One® herbicide for Enlist E3® soybeans.

New corn herbicides!

The addition of Kyro herbicide and Resicore® REV to the Corteva corn herbicide portfolio brings more effective options to help you control the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds. Not sure which of these new solutions makes the most sense for your acres? Take the corn herbicide quiz to find out!

Solutions for Nutrient Management

Recent input costs have incentivized many farmers and retailers to look for ways to maximize the crop growth response to fertilizer inputs and, ultimately, get more yield potential per acre of land. The following products can be used to help reduce nutrient loss and improve nutrient use efficiency on your operation.

N-Serve® nitrogen stabilizer works with anhydrous ammonia, while Instinct NXTGEN® nitrogen stabilizer maximizes nitrogen when used with UAN, urea and liquid manure. Both products work underground, where up to 70% of nitrogen loss can occur.

Save More With the TruChoice® Offer

By funding a prepay account before the Feb. 28, 2025, deadline, you can save up to 10% on crop protection products next year. Herbicides, fungicides, nitrogen stabilizers — you name it. You can save on the entire suite of input needs. Learn more about the program benefits at


™ ® Enlist, Enlist E3, Enlist Duo®, Enlist One, Enversa, Instinct NXTGEN, Kyro, N-Serve, Resicore REV, TruChoice and Viatude are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience LLC and M.S. Technologies L.L.C. Enlist One® and Enlist Duo® are not labeled for use in all 50 states. To find product labels, state registration status, and additional resources about the Enlist® weed control system and its availability, visit Additional stewardship information on Enlist crops and to review seed product use guide details, visit Enversa, Instinct NXTGEN®, Kyro™, Resicore® and Viatude are not registered for sale or use in all states. Enversa, Kyro and Resicore REV are not available for sale, distribution or use in Nassau and Suffolk counties in the state of New York. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Do not fall-apply anhydrous ammonia south of Highway 16 in the state of Illinois. Always read and follow label directions.


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